The Clear Fork normally flows clear on a shallow rock bed. This was a June flood that put it several feet above that.
A Photographers Travelogue of the Lone Star State
The sun rises on the Rio Grande and the Chisos in Big Bend NP.
In addition to the sunrise starting a new day it also marks the start of my new website. After blogging here for several months I took the next step and got a domain.
As such I'll be changing how often I'll post here. I do not want to say this is the last post, but they will not be a regular as I was doing. So I still should put up an occasional image. After all-notice I chose a sunrise and not a sunset.
So you can expect there to be an occasional addition here. I'll also make some posts on The Traveling Camera. You will also find that in addition to the website featuring galleries of my work that it has a companion blog for my travels. Hope you follow along.
Check it all out at:
Happy trails!
Patterns on the salt flats of west Texas. These are the Salt Basin Flats west of the Guadalupe Mountains. The dry basin extends for miles north and south. The are visible from the air (see older posts) and are a sight from above, next to and out in the middle of.
Here at the edge of the salt, dirt and gravel have washed into the flat pan bottom of the basin. A few patterns drift out into the salt and then flat white salt is all one sees.