Monday, January 14, 2008

The Guadalupe Grasslands

The eastern side of the Guadalupes is a high grassland. The mile high elevation is a bit cooler and a bit wetter than the lower western deserty side. They can be quite lush at times of rain, or just dry yellowy grass. I was here in late August and found the grass to be rather lush.

One early predawn I was out on the grassland watching the stars above the peaks. At first I was photographing star trails but as the light was slowly starting to signal the end of night I got a few images when the camera would record the sky, the stars and put a hint of color in the clouds.

El Capitan rises sharply on the left. Guadalupe Peak (highest point in Texas) is the first highpoint to the right of El Cap(the camera angle makes does not show its true height). This is the heart of Guadalupe Mountains National Park.

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